Hey, Daters, Girl Tribes & Book Clubs

Tired of the dating scene?  Yep, we were too! 

Want to stop making the same mistakes over and over?
How about some free advice. Stop shapeshifting into the person you think you need to be…and own your shit!

Listen, we all know the dating scene is tired and full of false expectations. But what would happen if you locked in on what YOU really wanted and kicked your relationship savvy up a notch? Exciting to think about, right? Now that’s owning your shit!

In Oh, Lords! Who We Date, Why We Date Them, and What We’ve Learned we’ll guide you through our whacky and unpredictable dating stories, introducing you to the “Lords” we encountered along the way. The only book of its kind, told through our unique and unfiltered lens, it’s our truth. We’ll prove to be honest and vulnerable, and we’ll be direct with you about the things your friends are thinking… but won’t say to you out loud.

Join us on our wildly entertaining and insightful dating and relationship journey.
We wrote this with you in mind…enjoy!

Terresa & Jes